The Vulnerable Kid – Thipkyanchi Rangoli

His heart would someday weep for Apurva Vartak wasn’t something that Shashank Kanitkar had ever thought about but her breakdown was too heartbreaking and intense to not feel.

The flames of the demonic fire of her past that she was burning in not just reached him but were also threatening to pull him into that fire. The fire that was quite scary for him to even imagine standing close to, let aside actually letting it burn him!

Something that Shashank Kanitkar had generously received in life was – his family’s love and affection. Especially from the Kanitkar women but it wasn’t until he stood in front of Apurva Vartak’s heartbreaking longing for her mother that he realized how truly grateful he needs to be in life for having received motherly warmth from not just one but four women in his life.

He did not like this girl. That still remained a fact but another fact that joined the list was that he couldn’t resist but hate what she had been through.

He had a strange urge to walk up to her and offer her his handkerchief and sit beside her in absolute silence for he knew that words wouldn’t stay by his side like always. And he stayed afraid that anything that he might say would lead her to misunderstand him that he was pitying her.

Suppressing the urge of wanting to just sit beside her was getting tougher than he had expected. Beside her. With her.

Despite knowing that it would change nothing.
Despite knowing that it would not lessen her pain even a bit.
Despite knowing that he might not even be able to console or comfort her.

Despite it all – his heart did wish that it had the liberty to stay close to her heart that it could feel the pain of.

Behind the mask of an egoistic girl that he hated, the glimpse of the vulnerable kid who had longed for her mother all her life that he witnessed that night twisted something in his heart.

Apurva Vartak definitely hasn’t had a rosy childhood and he had no idea why that realization was pricking his heart.



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Aditi Chavan
Aditi Chavan
2 years ago

Nice words ,heart touching ❤️

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