A Powerful Hold – A DriKshit One Shot – DivyaDrishti

Before you proceed – This one shot is inspired by the episode where Drishti sits near the swimming pool, missing her parents, where Pischachini attacks her. Here the attack didn’t happen but Rakshit overheard Drishti talking to herself. 

“Let go of my hand, Mr. Shergill.”

Had it not been for the tears that trickled down her cheeks, he wouldn’t have given in. He loosened his hold on her wrist but didn’t withdraw it completely. Her tears had started affecting him. 

When, how, and why? He had no answers to the questions that revolved in his mind.

“I heard you. At the poolside. When you were missing your Mom and Dad.”

Her hands, which were still struggling to get out of his grip, stilled when his words fell in her ears. Everything flashed before her eyes in a moment. 

He heard it? Of course, he did and now he was showing her his pity? She jerked his hand and pulled herself two steps backward. 

She looked up at him, and he realized that she was taking it in a way he didn’t intend it to be.

“Miss. Sood-“

“No, Mr. Shergill. I am your P. A. and I am willing to do everything that comes under my job but my personal life is not your business and I sincerely request you not to make it one.”

Her sharp words went slicing through his heart. Momentarily gazing down, he clenched his hand in a fist. He inwardly cursed himself for even daring to begin a conversation with her about it. 

Couldn’t you have just let it be? He absolutely hated himself for allowing her pain to affect him to the extent that he felt as if it wasn’t just her pain. 

Her pain pained his heart. Her pain tugged at his heart. Her pain wasn’t just her pain anymore. Her pain was becoming his too or rather, it had already become his.

Mr. Rakshit Shergill didn’t even realize when and how Miss. Sood managed to get a hold on his heart and feelings and she had gotten such a powerful hold that anything and everything that concerned her, now, concerned him as well. 

He didn’t have the slightest clue as to how he would ever be able to explain to her, why it mattered to him… why she mattered to him.

What have you landed yourself in? He sighed, staring at her retreating back as she disappeared from his sight. 

Dammit! His fist landed on the wall after he threw his phone on the bed. Where are you? Where are you dammit?

He hadn’t seen Miss. Sood after his encounter with her. Her absence was causing him to grow restless. He had tried calling her several times but his every attempt of reaching her went in vain. He didn’t even know her enough to make even a wild guess of where she could possibly go.

Every passing second was adding on to his anxiety. He probably wouldn’t have cared otherwise, shushing his heart with the best logic provided by his intelligent brain saying, she was his employee, just an employee and he couldn’t feel for her in any damn way but not today. She looked tremendously upset, almost broken and he couldn’t stay oblivious to the same. 

He needed to find her. 

He needed to.

Where are you, Miss. Sood? He murmured, glancing at the clock striking 1 AM. Mindlessly pacing for more than hours had gifted him a good backache. 

His back screamed for some rest and relief but his heart dominated his brain. He wanted to lie down on the bed but he was worried sick for Miss. Sood. 

It was almost midnight with no trace of her. 

I really hope you are fine, Miss. Sood. I really really do.

Another hour passed. He finally slumped down on his bed. 

Get her out of your damn mind. Squeezing his eyes shut, he made another futile attempt that did nothing but just worsened his condition. Having tossed on his bed for more than he could take, he jumped out of the bed and walked out.

He leaned against the bonnet of his car, with his fingers tracing her name on his mobile screen. Despite knowing it would only disappoint him, he still dialed her number, again.

“Miss. Sood,” he whispered, gazing at her as he watched her walking toward him. He disconnected the call and mentally prepared himself not to react but he lost it. 

It had been hours since it was building inside him. He terribly failed to conceal his emotions.

As he was ready to demand an explanation from her for avoiding his calls, he was sure that she would come and apologize on her own. She advanced toward him. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he waited for her to approach him.

His brows furrowed in annoyance as she walked past him. 

“Looks like you have forgotten that I am your boss and you work for me.” Mr. Shergill could see no other way to stop her.

Her steps came to a halt upon hearing him. “I very well remember the job that pays me, Sir.”

He furiously got to her. “You do? You do? Where the hell were you then? I have been calling you like crazy. Neither have you bothered receiving the call nor have you cared that I might need you. I mean need you for work and you say you remember? Where were you?”

“I did inform Mahima Ma’am before leaving,” she mumbled, taking in the weird way he was reacting.

“Do you even realize that it’s midnight? What were you doing out till this late? Leave that. Didn’t bother answering my call? Do you know how worried you got me? I thought you were upset and…” His voice trailed off as his gaze stuck on her arm. 

He was so in the moment that he didn’t realize what all that he had just said to her. His blabbering left her amused.

“Your hand… it’s bleeding. What did you do? What happened? Come with me.” Intertwining his fingers with hers, he led the way. 

She was too taken aback to resist. It was when he took her to the kitchen, she got a hold on herself.

“I am fine, Mr. Shergill. It’s just a small cut.” She quickly pulled her hand off his.

“Stay still.” He instructed, almost warning as he moved to the other side of the kitchen slab. He came back with water and turmeric. “Don’t,” he grabbed her wrist when she turned to leave and pulled her back, “move, Miss. Sood.”

She gazed at him, who was busy cleaning her wound. The realization hit her senses once the water slid down her wound that it wasn’t just a small cut. It was a deep one. She winced at the sudden shooting pain inside her, involuntarily trying to make her hand free from his hold.

Stay still, Miss. Sood.” He readjusted his grip on her arm and held her in a more gentle manner. 

Leaning forward, he softly blew air on her wound. All that was going on in his mind was – to just somehow lessen her pain. 

He looked at her from the corner of his eye. She still had her eyes closed and the muscles of her face were still tightened due to the pain.

He continued to blow air to soothe her pain. He carefully began applying a pinch of turmeric to her wound. Her hand clutched his shirt in her fist as the contact of turmeric with her skin started burning the wound more.

“Since when you started caring for me, Mr. Shergill?” She lifted her eyes at him, capturing the chance to give it back to him. The words that he had said to her hours back were still fresh in her mind.

“What were you saying back then hmm? Meri aankhon me bade sapne aur dil me business tycoon? I want to bring you to your knees like Cinderella’s Prince? Kahin mujhe pyaar to nahi ho gaya? Mera to nahi pata Mr. Shergill but looks like aapko definitely kuch ho raha hai. Aap mujhe ghurte rehte hai. Itni fiqr hai meri. Lavanya se shaadi karne me aap kahi se interested nahi lag rahe. D se shaadi aapke Mom kehne par kar rahe hai. Kya… baat kya hai, Mr. Shergill?”

His hand froze on her arm listening to her. Sure, he was aware of feisty Miss. Sood but he hadn’t expected her to give it back to him in that way. 

What was he supposed to reply? He chose silence, resuming spreading the remaining turmeric. He backed away from her, once he was done.

Darting a last glance at her, he turned to leave. He had barely reached the door when he abruptly stopped but didn’t turn back. “I understand the losses I have lost my father and I know how things can get. I have no doubt that you can handle yourself and handle yourself very well but if someday, it becomes heavier than you can take, I’ll be there to listen, I promise.”

She sat there, taken aback by the gesture that he just showed. He was actually lending her his ear to listen to her emotional outburst. 

The great business tycoon Mr. Rakshit Shergill, who didn’t cancel his meetings even on his engagement day was willing to take out his time for her?

But why would he do that? Visibly perplexed, she wondered if she had judged him wrong.

He leaned over the window in his room, pondering over the events that happened in the day.

Miss. Sood had been messing with his mind lately. The dull ache still gripped his heart. Her tear-stricken face still roamed before his eyes. 

His own eyes had moistened when she was crying for her parents. He didn’t know what was happening to him but there was no denying anymore from the fact… the fact that he cared

He cared.

He cared for her tears.

He cared for her safety.

He cared for her pain.

He cared.

For her.

I hope you enjoyed reading. Do share your feedback in the comment section. Much love.

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