A Promise to Keep | Chapter One – DivyaDrishti

What Have I Done, Mr. Shergill?

“Mr. Shergill, could you explain what exactly were you doing with my stuff?” Drishti crossed her arms to her chest, after catching Rakshit desperately searching for something in her stuff.

Having him invade her personal space, touching her personal things without asking her was the last thing she had expected him to do. His behavior was seemingly strange since the last night. She wasn’t ignorant of it but she couldn’t really ask him either but after coming across the sight of his hands and gaze in her bags, she couldn’t delay the conversation anymore.

“There are a lot of things that you need to explain too, Mrs. Shergill.

Oh, the bitterness in his voice when he addressed her as Mrs. Shergill! She stood with goosebumps crawling over her skin for it was certainly the very first time when she was hearing him use that tone that held so much more than just anger.

Sure, there had been times when it held taunts, complaints, and anger but it was the first when it sounded weird to her. She wondered where the conversation was heading. She still chose to keep her calm. She needed to hear it from him what it was that had bothered him so much.

“Stop the riddles, Mr. Shergill. Ask what is troubling you.”

He held her gaze for a long moment. “You don’t know?”

She squeezed her eyes shut at the coldness in his voice. She inhaled a deep breath before she inched toward him. Her right hand touched his arm. “Kya hua hai, Mr. Shergill?” she asked softly, almost feebly. She could sense something bad was coming their way. Afraid of the unknown, she could only wish for her fears to turn out to be false.

He let out a bitter chuckle, keeping his hand over hers that was resting on his arm. “Ironic it is, isn’t it, Mrs. Shergill?” Lifting her hand from his arm, he dropped it in the air. “That the people we trust the most, are the people who break that trust in the most brutal way.”

Her gaze went to her hand that he had jerked off. She had no clue what he was saying. “Aap keh kya rahe hai, Mr. Shergill? I don’t… get it.”

“You don’t get it? You don’t get it?” Grabbing her by the shoulders, he pulled her closer. His eyes that were raging with fury left her startled. “Kyu aayi ho tum meri zindagi me? What’s your motive? I did ask you earlier as well, didn’t I?”

His grip that was tightening around her shoulders began hurting her but he seemed to care the least about it at that moment when his mind could process nothing. Nothing but his own pain. He was deceived but that wouldn’t have hurt him had the deceiver been someone else.

She had deceived him and it broke a part of his heart.

“Mr. Shergill.” She winced, shrinking back from him but he didn’t let her go. Trying to push him away, she struggled to get out of his grip. “You are hurting me, Mr. Shergill.”

“You have done worse.” His fingers digging into her skin caused it to turn red. A lone tear escaped her eye but he stood unaffected.

She stopped her efforts to get out of the pain that he was putting her through. She was willing to see to what extent he could go. She was willing to see for how long he could hurt her and watch it without flinching back at her pain.

She poured her eyes into his, letting him do what he wanted to do… hurt her. Several moments passed in silence, with them just staring at each other. Just the emotions were different.

One’s eyes mirrored hurt and the other’s, concern. Having her standing still in his hold, his gaze went to her shoulders and his heart, once again, lost in front of her. A glance at her skin on which his fingers had imprinted was enough for him to jerk her away.

Turning around, he walked toward the balcony. “I trusted you. I lov…” He didn’t let those words escape his lips. He didn’t have control over his heart but he sure did have control over his tongue. “I hate you for doing what you did to me. I hate you, Miss. Sood.”

Miss. Sood? He called her Miss. Sood and not Mrs. Shergill? Drishti grew more anxious. She was certainly unable to understand what was wrong with him but something definitely was. She steadied her stumbling steps and took a step toward him.

“What have I done, Mr. Shergill?”

Drama Name – DivyaDrishti

Chapter 2 – https://iadoreyoucreates.com/a-promise-to-keep-chapter-two-divyadrishti/

Chapter 3 – https://iadoreyoucreates.com/a-promise-to-keep-chapter-three-divyadrishti/

Chapter 4 – https://iadoreyoucreates.com/a-promise-to-keep-chapter-four-divyadrishti/

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