A Promise to Keep | Chapter Two – DivyaDrishti

You Don’t Trust Me?

“You are really asking me that? Ask yourself. Ask yourself, dammit!”

His outrage wasn’t familiar to her. It wasn’t. It had been a really long time for her to have seen him that way. It had been almost three months since their marriage and the last three months had really changed a lot between them.

The time span had brought them emotionally closer to each other. Her Bedil Shergill was no longer the same Bedil Shergill. Rather, she had seen the best side of him that probably nobody else had.

Behind the mask of a tough guy, he was an absolute sweetheart. A guy with a heart as soft as a newborn.

Though he still struggled with putting his emotions and affection on display!

Though he struggled with the acceptance of his innermost feelings and desires!

Though he still struggled with all of that, they had come a long way together and she, no more, needed to hear anything from him. She had become used to hearing the unsaid, seeing the concealed, and understanding the unexpressed.

“Mr. Shergill, please. I really don’t know what you are saying.” Seeing him so deeply hurt and accepting that she was the reason behind that hurt left her saddened.

“I must admit, what a fantastic actress you are!” He just wouldn’t quit making her feel the way he was feeling. Terrible. Absolutely terrible!  “You are working for that woman, aren’t you?”

“Woman? Which woman?” she asked immediately when he left a hint to get to the core of the matter.

“At least, stop pretending now, will you? I know it.” Tired of the emotional frustration and conflict, he sat on the edge of the bed. “The woman with whom you were yesterday. The one-eyed woman. The woman with whom my Dad…” He looked away in disgust as he recalled the time when he had seen his father with that woman. That was the last time he saw his father who had just disappeared.

No, he hadn’t disappeared. He had moved out with that woman. That other woman. The woman because of whom his Dad left them. The woman because of whom his mother still cried on nights.

The woman who was responsible for his broken home!

The one-eyed woman!

Seeing his Mrs. Shergill with that woman was the last thing he had expected to witness. Things were finally striking him.

Miss. Drishti Sood had not miraculously appeared in his life. She had a motive behind gracing his life with her presence. She was working for that woman. He still didn’t know what exactly she wanted from his family but he was sure that Drishti was hired by that woman to get information about him and his family. He still didn’t know why she would need it and he didn’t care. He didn’t care. What refused to leave his mind was – his wife had betrayed him.

He had seen Divya with them too. If catching a glimpse of his wife with that woman had planted the seed of doubt in him, then overhearing the conversation between his wife and Divya broke something within him.

It wasn’t just his wife but Divya was also involved in it. It had taken him a lot to digest all that he had heard the previous day.

Divya was her sister. Really? And they pretended as if they did not even know each other.

He hadn’t missed the way they responded to each other in the initial days. Both sisters had been deceiving his family and nobody got even the slightest doubt about it.

His mind was stuck on one thing and that was her lies, not processing anything beyond the fact that she had lied to him, that she had betrayed him, that… she had deceived him.

His heart broke slowly into he could not even count how many pieces.

“How much did she offer you, hmm?”

She was standing still in her place, silently taking every accusation that he was making about her. She had made no progress in reaching the murderer of her parents in the last three months. Pishachini had kind of disappeared after the Holi event.

She along with Divya had been trying all possible ways to get some information about that woman but nothing significant greeted them. It was just the previous day when Pishachini had appeared out of nowhere and attacked Divya on the terrace.

It seemed like she was still unaware of the fact that Drishti was Divya’s sister. Drishti had jumped in the nick of time and managed to get away with Divya but before she could rescue Divya from there, she had a random conversation with Pishachini.

She presumed that was when Rakshit saw her.

“I asked, how much did she offer you?” He repeated himself when she didn’t reply.

“You don’t trust me?”

Her words hit his ears, cutting through the silence she had chosen so far. “I am asking you something. You don’t trust me?” she asked him again, with a gleaming hope that she had in her heart deep down that he would say that he does.

Whatever she said just acted as a catalyst for his blind raging anger. Taking two long strides, he was on his feet in front of her. “I trusted you with my life. I did but you broke it. You broke me.” A look of anguish crossed his face as he whispered the last line to make sure that it was only audible to him.

He would never let her hear it. Never.

“If you don’t trust me after all the time and the moments that we have shared, Mr. Shergill, then I don’t see a point in having any conversation and providing any explanation.” She didn’t look at him once after she was done. She quietly left the room, holding back the tears that were threatening to escape her eyes.

I trusted you. With all that I had. I trusted you more than I have ever trusted anyone in my life. I adored you. Your smile. I could move earth and heaven for it. I hated your tears. I could kill anyone who brought them to your eyes. I loved you. I loved you Mrs. Drishti Rakshit Shergill. I loved you. Why did you do this to me? Why? He pulled his palms over his ears, in an attempt to shut the voices in his mind.

Never had he ever thought that their relationship would see any such point someday. He had been preparing to confess his love to her for a week. Taking into consideration the kind of a person he was, it wasn’t easy for him when it came to the verbal confession of his feelings but he was willing to do it for the woman whom he loved in a way he never thought he could love anyone.

A thin layer of tears formed in his eyes, blurring his vision and he collapsed on the couch there.

Okay, so you must have gotten by now that this is a three months later fic. The show is so dominated by Pishachini so that is why we will spare her here and focus on these two instead. 🙂 Also, I wrote this around a month back when Anjaan was yet to enter the picture. So a few things to keep in mind are –

1. This is a three months later fic.

2. There is no Anjaan here.

3. We won’t have any focus on the Pishachini drama.

Do not forget to let me know how you find this in the comment section.

Drama Name – DivyaDrishti

Previous Chapter – https://iadoreyoucreates.com/a-promise-to-keep-chapter-one-divyadrishti/

Next Chapter – https://iadoreyoucreates.com/a-promise-to-keep-chapter-three-divyadrishti/

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