Beyond the Need | PreRish | Kasauti Zindagii Kay 2

“I don’t know, Mr. Bajaj. I don’t know. I am apprehensive about letting a man in… now. I did let one crawl in so close… that my heart, my soul, my body… everything was bare in front of him. Everything. And you know what he left me with. This pain. Anguish. Suffering for life and mostly… trust issues. I am not sure if I can bring myself to love a man like I loved him.”

Prerna Sharma pressed her palms on the wooden bench they were seated on, in the small garden that had lately become her favorite place to hang out with Rishabh.

It had been quite a while since their divorce but they both had stayed true to their promises.

Her promise of keeping in touch with him and his promise of appearing on her one call.

Her promise of not sulking over memories of Basu and his promise of coming up with innovative ways of keeping her productive whenever her past hit her.

Her promise of taking care of herself and his promise of making sure that she kept her promise.

“So, what’s the plan? Single for life?” Rishabh rested his hand on the armrest as he adjusted his position to take a better view of her.

“Like you?” She looked at him, a playful smile playing on her lips.

He sat amused. “What do you mean by like me? I ain’t going to be single for life. I have found the one who is for me.”

“Really, Mr. Bajaj?” She pretended to be excited as she pushed herself toward him. Tugging at his arm, she squeezed him. “Who is she? How could you not tell me? This is so unfair.” Her lips pouted but she continued staring at him, waiting for his answer.

Mr. Bajaj likes someone. No. He said ‘the one who is for him’. So he… loves her. Thoughts clouded her mind and she failed to understand why a part of her was not too glad upon finding that out.

He was the best friend that she never had in her life. He was there for her at her worst. He picked her up and reminded her of her strength that helped her stand tall on her feet.

He was there when she fell weak, he was there when she fell sick.
Even with her hateful gestures, his attempts never seemed to cease.

The business shark was what they called him, always accused of vicious schemes.
But whenever she was in question, all that he showered her with was support and compassion.

Prerna’s face glowed as she thought of the small poem that she made on him the previous day.

Ugh. Get back your focus here, you fool. She mentally smacked herself, realizing how close she had shifted to him. The mischievous glint in his eyes immediately got her to create some distance.

“Speak up?” she yelled in frustration. How could he just keep quiet after dropping that bomb on her?

Ideally, she had no reason to be upset but she was and she didn’t know why. If he had gotten someone in his life, shouldn’t she be happy for him?

But she wasn’t. Her head hung down momentarily until he began with the revelations.

“Look at you. You look as excited as you were for Sneha’s first dance performance.” He let out a small laugh.

Wrong. I am not even a tiny bit excited. Just tell me who she is already. She sat in silence, crossing her arms to her chest.

Rishabh chuckled as the childish side in Prerna popped up. It had been quite a while since he saw that last. “I can’t tell you who she is until she knows my feelings for her, Prerna. I am sorry.”

Confusion spread over her face. “You haven’t confessed yet?”

His lips slowly curved in a smile – a smile that held emotions she suddenly desired to explore but the man was brilliant at concealing them before she could even begin to decipher.

“True love is beyond the need of confession, Prerna. If my love is true, sooner or later, today or tomorrow, she will see it. She will see it right in my eyes and that day, my singlehood will see its end.”

Drama Name – Kasauti ZIndagii Kay 2

Cover Credit – Wistfulness. Thank you for making this for me, Shruti. I am still so in love with this beauty created by you. Much love.

Thank you for reading. I hope you had a good time. <3

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