His Purpose | PreRish | Kasauti Zindagii Kay 2

His steps came to a halt in front of her room and his eyes stole a glance at her figure curled up in a ball on her bed. Her knees were drawn closer to her chest and she had clutched a pillow to her face.

Ah, he so did want to go inside but he couldn’t. He wasn’t going to let his pretense fall and definitely wasn’t up for her to know that he had been worried for her.

He had hardly seen her out of her room for the past week except for the times when Sneha needed her around.

Miss. Sharma, ah, Mrs. Bajaj wasn’t as strong as she portrayed herself to be, he had come to the realization. She hadn’t been able to deal well with her scattered emotions. She hadn’t been able to deal well with her separation from Anurag.

He silently walked away, tearing his gaze away from her.


“What is it?” Prerna almost instantly sat up upon feeling the familiar tug at her Saaree. She picked Sneha up and made her sit on the bed closer to her. “You need anything?”

Sneha grabbed Prerna’s hand with her tiny fingers, urging her to get down from the bed. Prerna was clueless as Sneha pulled her along to the hall of Bajaj Mansion and the moment her gaze did a quick round of the surrounding, she was left amused.

The heavy rainfall had made the afternoon seem like a night. The curtains of all the windows were pulled aside, treating their eyes with the beautiful scenery. The Television was on and she could see Shinchan on the screen who almost instantly made her smile.

Sneha brought her to the couch and as they sat comfortably, Prerna’s eyes fell upon the Anjeer-Badam ice cream. Ah her favorite one! 

She snuggled Sneha closer as they enjoyed their time watching Shinchan together with her favorite ice cream, absolutely unaware of the pair of eyes that had been minutely observing her every move and perhaps, every expression on her face ever since she had gotten there.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly upwards to see her laughing carefree, perhaps, for the first time ever since he met her. He did not realize that he was lost in her until his intelligent brain processed that Sneha had accidentally turned off the Television and Mrs. Bajaj had seen his reflection on the same when the laughter suddenly stopped

Damn. Why didn’t you leave earlier? There was no point in cursing now. He had messed it up a big time. The most that he could do at that time was to make a quick exit from there before she could walk up to him.

He was not ready for a confrontation. Not at that moment. The second he watched her rising to her feet, he disappeared leaving her to wonder what rather who he actually was.

Sneha did not take long in letting Prerna know that it was he who had done it all. The question was, why! Why would he take any kind of effort for her? Did he really want to cheer her up?

Well, at least it seemed that way from his gesture. Was his heart softening towards her? Did he have a heart in the first place?

He wanted her to feel better? 

But why?

Looks like this man’s purpose in life is to drive me insane! She concluded while picking Sneha in her arms. 


Drama Name – Kasauti ZIndagii Kay 2

Thank you for reading. I hope you had a good time. <3

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