The Elixir – Thipkyanchi Rangoli

“तुम्हाला… तुम्हाला नाही कळणार कोणाला… असं लहान मुलांना असं आईचं प्रेम मिळत नाही तेव्हा त्यांच्यावर काय परिणाम…”

His hand almost instantly reached out to hold her arm when the lump clogging her throat snatched her ability to complete herself. She had let the demons of her past hover over her so much that all of sudden, all that she could feel was darkness. 

She found herself in the same darkness that she used to lose herself in every now and then in her childhood. She heard the footsteps of the same demonic shadows that she used to hear every now and then in her childhood.

She had never quite made peace with her past and perhaps, she wasn’t willing to either but she had learned to live with it without crying herself to sleep every night like she used to do in her childhood but one trigger… one trigger brought back everything. 

That everything that she could give up anything and everything to run away from.
That everything that had swallowed her entire childhood, filling it with the ghastly memories that still suffocated her every once in a while.

As he gently rubbed her arm, letting his touch be the soothing balm to her distressed heart, he couldn’t resist wishing that he could invent something that he could change her past with.

Perhaps, for the first time in his life, he had felt that everything that he had poured his entirety into studying was an absolute waste for it couldn’t help him take away that everything from her that wasn’t letting her scarred heart heal.

From her birthday party where he happened to witness her weak moment to today where he had to witness how deep-rooted the imprints of her past were – he couldn’t quite take it. Though visibly, he may have stood still that night and sat still today – both times, her pain went slicing through his heart.

What sucked the most was that there was barely anything that he could do for her except for standing by her side and holding her hand, naively unaware that his very presence was the elixir that could heal her heart like it was never broken.

Naively unaware that
His very presence
Was the elixir
That could
Heal her heart


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Aditi Chavan
Aditi Chavan
1 year ago

Very nice❤️

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