Thipkyanchi Rangoli – Episode 220 – Written Update and Episode Review

Kadhi tu bhoot aani mi chetkin,
Kadhi tu makad aani mi makdin,
Jar Netra Tai aali aapli picnic spoil karayla,
Tar tu asashil undir aani mi, waghin!
– IAdoreYouCreates

W H A T   H A P P E N E D   I N   T H E   E P I S O D E ?

| Shashank expresses his gratitude to Apurva for getting back Vitthu Baba’s five Lakhs. He tells her that it is a huge thing that she has done. He thanks her for taking the responsibility as his wife when he was not around.

| Apurva who is still mad at him moves away.

| He follows her and talks about starting afresh, forgetting everything that has gone wrong between them. He adds that they should give a chance to their relationship.

| She asks him if he is capable of that… if he is capable of behaving nicely to her. She adds that she is not used to hearing any nice things about herself from him. In fact, she never was. She expresses how he talks to her only when he wants to scream at her or when he needs to tell her how awful she is or what a liar she is.

| He tells her that he will praise her if she acts nice. She counters him back by saying that she is always nice but everything depends upon who tells him about what she does. He stands clueless and demands an explanation.

| She reveals how Kanitkars are genuinely nice people who love her and understand her and will only say the truth to him about her while there are some people who lie to him because they don’t like her.

| He takes the hint and realizes who she is referring to. He tells her that if she uses this smartness in her studies, she will pass with flying colors.

Apurva – I don’t want good marks. I don’t want to be a scientist.

Shashank – Why not? Are scientists bad?

Apurva – Liars. I had an experience with Netra Taai first and now…

Shashank – Now? You are saying that I have lied to you?

Apurva – You haven’t?

Shashank – What lie have I spoken?

Apurva – You told me that you were going to Delhi alone. Netra Taai won’t be with you then how did she come with you now?

Shashank – But I did go to the conference alone.

Apurva – Then how did she bring your stuff back here?

Shashank – Just because she got my stuff here doesn’t mean that she was with me at the conference.

Apurva – Your dearest assistant says one thing and you, one. Now how will we know who is saying the truth and who is lying, no?

Shashank – If you want to trust me, trust me. If you don’t want to, then don’t.

Apurva – Did you ever trust me? I kept telling you that I did not push Netra Taai. Even swore on Dad but you kept accusing me that I did. You kept saying that I am a liar and I pushed her, no? She has brought your stuff here, in this home.

Shashank – Forget it. No matter what I say, you will think that I am lying.

Apurva – I am not thinking. I KNOW that you are lying.

She storms out of the room, leaving Shashank behind who wonders – what sort of a girl she is! Beyond him. 

| Sumi and Prachi express their willingness to go out somewhere for two days since they are getting bored and something or the other has been happening for a while now. They add that they need a break and they should go somewhere.

| Dada-Kaka overhears them and refuses to let anyone go anywhere. He asks them to do some home chores if they are so bored, firmly stating that no picnic or anything is happening, adding that nobody is going to waste any money.

| Apurva comes down and sits. Maai asks what happened, noticing that she is upset. She reveals that she is mad because Shashank has lied to her. She goes on with her rant, hearing which Dada-Kaka changes his decision and nods for the picnic, informing that he and Kukki won’t join because they have to go for some land-related work.

| Apurva says that she will come to the picnic on one condition that she wouldn’t talk to Shashank.

| Netra asks Shashank about his leave application. He reveals that he is going out of town with his family for two days. She comments that something or the other keeps going on in his family and it is impacting his research work. He reminds her that he is her senior and she shouldn’t forget that. He adds that he just had a very good paper presentation at the conference and she does not need to worry. She apologizes, saying that she did not mean to say that.

| He asks her if she said something to Apurva like she was with him at the conference or something like that. She refuses and asks why. He says that he doesn’t know what to do with Apurva – that sometimes, she takes something in her mind and acts, believing that it is the truth.

| She reminds him that they have to submit their project readings this week and asks him if he will be able to work a bit on the picnic if he got any free time. He nods, saying that he would make sure to take out time to work.

| Netra rejoices, thinking that he would keep working and wouldn’t spend much time with Apurva.

| Later at night, Shashank and Apurva engage in a funny banter where the former calls her out for packing a lot of clothes when they are going for just two days. He asks her if she plans to stay there forever to which she responds by saying that she has taken enough stuff to last her if she felt like staying there for a month. He comments – so you are going to be back after a month to trouble me?

Apurva – Why? You don’t want me to come back?

Shashank – When did I say that? But you keep doing weird things. Just like a monkey who has no work to do!

Apurva – Wait. Did you just call me a monkey?

Shashank – What else I can say, tell me? You keep throwing tantrums like a kid. Throw this. Throw that. Talk in a loud pitch. All of this is childish and immature. You are always irritable.

Apurva – Oh, am I? And you are the calmest one out there, no?

Shashank – See… this is what I was talking about. Monkeys do exactly the same. They copy what the others do. Did nobody tell you the cap seller’s story?

Apurva – Which cap seller?

Shashank narrates the story of the cap seller and the monkeys.

After he finishes the story, he rises to his feet saying, basically all monkeys are copycats… like you. 

Furious, she follows him.

Apurva – Am I a makad (monkey)?

Shashank – Did I say a makad? Sorry. You are a makadin (a female monkey)!

Apurva – Cool. A husband of a makadin is a makad.

Shashank – See. I told you. Copycat. I called you a makadin. You are calling me a makad.

Apurva – I copy you? Seriously? You keep chanting study study study but by looking at you… do I study? No, right?

Shashank – That’s some great logic you have there. You know, I think you are quite intelligent but pretend to be dumb.

Apurva – What exactly do you think I am? Sometimes, I am intelligent. Sometimes, I am dumb. Sometimes I am a liar. Sometimes, I am immature. Fix one thing. Who I am. What I am. Decide.

Shashank – I have decided. I think, you are an intelligent, dumb, liar and immature monkey. That’s it.

Apurva – Fine. Now you just see how I behave at the picnic.

Shashank stands horrified, wondering what she is up to. He asks her but she tells him to wait and watch.

The next morning, everyone is ready to leave for the picnic. Shashank goes back to check why Apurva hasn’t come yet. She jumps on his back and clings to him when he searches for her. Shocked, he asks her to get down but she refuses to. She tells him that since he has called her a monkey, she will act the same way. He asks her not to do these things at the picnic and gets her on the ground. She refuses to listen to him and walks out.

M Y   T A K E  

A fun light-hearted episode with the right touch of the conflict needed to remind us that Shashank shouldn’t be granted forgiveness. I thoroughly enjoyed their fun banter though. Some of you may not have been able to enjoy it the way you would have had these scenes come after Shashank’s redemption but this is what this is. Can’t do much about it.

I don’t think I have a lot to say about the episode but I have to say something about the show in general.

I think, the negative characters in Thipkyanchi Rangoli are not that overwhelming if compared to most of the ITV shows but the fact that Thipkyanchi Rangoli has kept most of its focus on the positive characters all along makes it a bit tough for people to deal with the suddenly increased screen space of the negative characters.  And, the actress change makes it tougher but yes, TR viewers are not used to so much of negativity because of how TR has been all along which is where I think the show won. 

I do feel that, the creatives have not forgotten about the redemption. I am not sure but I do feel that they surely must have thought something to make Shashank realize, regret and redeem himself.  We will have to wait and see if that is the case.

Talking about this particular episode, I can safely say that I will appreciate Shashank if I look at the whole situation from his perspective and I will tell you why.

Shashank has been awfully upset with Apurva because of what he feels that she has done. We are not talking about if it is right or wrong. We are looking at things from his perspective. If there is something that we know about Shashank then it is how sincere and dedicated he is when it comes to studies. His passion for studies has always been one of the most important parts of his being.

In his mind, Apurva has disrespected him by not respecting his time, efforts and love for studies. The whole pretending to study fiasco. 

And something to be noted here is that he still does feel that she has done it all. Despite that, he is willing to forget it all and start afresh with her. He wants to give their relationship a chance.

He does not want to give up on her and their relationship even though she still stays wrong in his perspective and that is something that I will have to appreciate if I look at things from his perspective.

He expressed his gratitude and thanked her for doing what she did. He had no hesitation while praising her. That’s how his character has been from the very beginning. He is honest and upfront about what he feels at the given moment. He can get rude and utter mean words in the process but that’s who he is.

He is honest. Not right. But honest.

However, looking at things from Apurva’s or a neutral perspective – the man sucks. In this particular track. There is no denying there. There has never been.

I cannot stand the fact that he actually spoke about Apurva to Netra. Doesn’t matter if it was one line or a paragraph. I am kind of not very appreciative of taking what is happening at your home to the outside people. Be it the differences of opinions, fights or anything else for that matter. Allowing others to have an access to the vulnerability of your family members and your relationships has never seemed a good thing to me.

Also, Shashank was describing himself instead of Apurva when he said that – she takes something to her mind and then acts, believing that it is the truth. 

The irony is that it is you who are doing that, Mr. Kanitkar and not Mrs. Kanitkar. Do we need to throw some balloons of realization at you for you to see what you have been doing? Like what?

I thought we were going to get a small break from Netra after having tolerated her for almost two weeks but it doesn’t seem like that is the case. Brace yourself, folks. More frustration awaits. Sigh!

I loved the family and Dada-Kaka scene. I laughed so much when he was listing why he wouldn’t allow the picnic to happen. Apurva came down and started with her rant and Dada-Kaka’s decision was changed within moments. Almost nobody could have convinced him to let them go but hearing about Apurva and Shashank’s continued conflict did the job.

He gave the picnic idea a nod for Shashank and Apurva, to let them have some time to sort things out. I appreciate that. Wholeheartedly.

Also as much as we may dislike these episodes – they are actually helpful if we look at the bigger picture. 

We are a bit more into analyzing than criticizing. Doesn’t mean that we don’t get upset – but we try to keep aside the anger, offense and hurt to see what makes these characters make the choices that they make, what makes them say what they do – just what makes them who they are!

It is a habit that we will develop eventually if we keep doing it and our mind will not keep it limited to only characters so even in real life – we tend to pause and try to understand the other person no matter how brutally he/she has wronged us. We tend to keep aside our hurt, and see what made them hurt us.

Increases compassion and empathy in general. 

Makes us better human beings.

A fun episode if you can choose to keep aside Mr. Kanitkar’s recent words and actions for the time being!

Probably, a frustrating episode if you cannot!

I am running short of time. Cannot manage to proofread. It would be a great help if you can leave in the comments any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors that you come across while reading. Would make it easier for me to edit. Thank you very much in advance.

Feel free to share your perspective in the comment section.

I deliberately skipped the last couple of episodes as I didn’t really feel that I had anything significant to write about them.

Thank you for reading! Much love.

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Pratibha Shet
2 years ago

Tar tu asashil undir aani mi, waghin! 👌😜😂
– IAdoreYouCreates

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