Thipkyanchi Rangoli – Episode 231 – Written Update and Episode Review

Hi ashich aahe ka, Mai?
Ho agadi ashich aahe aamchi veda-bai!
Manane swachha aani aaplya mansansathi agadi kahihi karayla tayar asa ek veda pillu aahe aamchi Appu,
Ti asli ki mala hi kuthetari khatri aste ki ashakya hi aamhi milun shakya karu shaku!
– IAdoreYouCreates

W H A T   H A P P E N E D   I N   T H E   E P I S O D E ?

The episode begins with Kanitkars and Dada-Kaka realizing that Mai is missing.  Once everyone confesses that none of them have seen Mai around for a while, Dada-Kaka gets worried, recalling Mai’s words in their last fight.  He gets anxious thinking if Mai really left.

Shashank returns home and tries to calm Dada-Kaka down. Assuring everyone that Mai must be around, he decides to go out to search for Mai.

He stumbles upon Apurva while going out and asks her if she was with Mai. She refuses, saying that she was with her friends. He tells her that Mai has been missing and that he is going to search for her. 

Just when he is about to step out, Kukki comes and tells everyone that Mai had an accident. Everyone gets worried, especially Dada-Kaka. He hurriedly steps out to go to the hospital to see Mai but finds her in front of him at the doorstep. 

Realizing that he has been lied to, he gets furious and announces that he has been pondering over his words and thinking that maybe he is wrong. He adds that he had thought of calling Avantika home just for the sake of Mai but now after this accident lie – he would never allow her to see Avantika.

Mai says that – fine, if you don’t want me to meet my daughter – I won’t. 

Later, Suva Aai comforts an upset Mai and tries to make her see that Dada-Kaka is equally hurting. She tells Mai that none of them can interfere in this particular matter. She asks Mai to let go of her anger as it is now in her hands to restore the peaceful atmosphere of their home. 

Apurva tries to cheer Mai up and convinces her to step out in the fresh air with her. 

She takes her to a cafe and holds a conversation revolving around her favorite umbrella that she had lost as a kid which returned to her after a year. She subtly tries to make Mai see that lost things and people can return to us. We need to find them at times. 

Avantika comes to the cafe and Mai gets emotional and overjoyed. Avantika shares how truly happy she is with her husband and in-laws, commenting that her choice was not wrong  and Dada-Kaka can’t always be right. 

The duo shares a heartfelt talk. Apurva fails to understand the meaning of a word and she asks Mai about it which makes Avantika laugh as she asks is she like this only? 

Mai nods, telling Avantika that this is how Apurva is. What’s in her heart is on her lips. She is our Veda Pillu. ( Crazy Puppy)

Avantika laughs saying – I wonder where Shashank found this Namuna. 

Apurva shakes her head, revealing to her that it’s not Shashank but Dada-Kaka who found her. 

Avantika says that – she thought so. Shashank could have gotten someone in his college but he always had his head in his books. 

Apurva shares that – and now he has his head in his laptop and keeps eating my brain.

The trio laughs and a calming relaxation fills Mai as her wish to see Avantika once gets fulfilled, courtesy to her Veda Pillu. 

M Y   T A K E  

| कासावीस णि नाचे रवलेले धैर्य 

Dada-Kaka’s anxious heart didn’t let him sit in peace once he realized that his wife was nowhere to be found, making him consider what he had never considered all these years after their fights. 

Did she really leave? Did she really leave him? How could she? 

This wasn’t certainly the first time that they were fighting. This wasn’t certainly the first time that she had uttered the threat of going back to her maternal home. This wasn’t certainly the first time that he had just shrugged his shoulders and challenged her to bring that empty threat to reality. 

This wasn’t certainly the first time and both of them were supposed to remember that everything was supposed to stay limited to their words. It wasn’t supposed to go beyond that. That was the unsaid agreement between them. How could she break that agreement and leave him alone like that? 

The mere thought of Mai actually leaving him and the home made him pause, reflect and consider if he went too far this time and if he shouldn’t have.

He was not unaware of the fact that this fight did not fall in the category of their usual fights. Perhaps, he could have dealt with his wife better. Perhaps, he could have expressed himself better.

Avantika – was a matter that was sensitive to all of them. Especially the two of them. 

As his eyes couldn’t see his wife around, he was bound to wonder if he should have just avoided those harsh words.  He knew that he could have but the anger had blinded him a bit too much back then to watch what he was saying to her.

Perhaps – he should just let her meet her daughter – he considered. Until he was exposed to the sham of her accident. And the moment that happened – he deleted everything that he had considered just a while ago. Everything.  

Fine, if he doesn’t want me to meet my daughter – I won’t.  Mai and the wishes that she has to bury deep because of her husband break my heart, to be honest and it is not very complicated.

My reason is pretty simple. 

We do so much after a person leaves this world. Often, we regret not expressing our love for them as passionately as we could have, not fulfilling their small wishes, and not giving in to their stubborn demands. Why not do it when you can? 

Dada-Kaka has his issues with Avantika and he doesn’t want her in his sight – I completely get that but why force Mai or anyone else not to see or meet Avantika? 

If she wants to make the choice of letting go – the choice of forgetting and forgiving – why interfere in that? 

Even if you are a part of a joint family – each one is different. Their thought processes and perspectives differ. 

Mai has respected his hurt heart all these years and kept away from Avantika. I think… now… it’s Dada-Kaka’s time to respect Mai’s hurt heart that wants her daughter back. 

I loved how Suva Aai tried to restore Mai’s lost peace. It didn’t truly work but I appreciate the efforts. Suva Aai has been a pretty sorted and rational character. She did try to make Mai see that his words equally hurt his own self as well.

| वेडं पिल्लू णि पिल्लूचं वेडं प्रेम 

Our वेडं Pillu really is very वेडं! Apurva almost always is a shining star in every scene of her life. Today was no different.  

Starting from the radiant joy on her face upon returning home after meeting Avantika to the helpless misery when Dada-Kaka announced that he wouldn’t allow Mai to see her daughter ever in her life – Apurva’s emotions tugged at my heart. 

Apurva is an extraordinarily simple woman who doesn’t desire much from life. She is not too attracted to the world of ambitious success. She is not too focused on proving anything to anyone. I believe that most people – may not be aware of their capabilities – but they sure do know somewhere inside them that they can do something if they want to do it. 

I am not trying to say that she shouldn’t be focusing on her career. That’s definitely not what I am trying to say here. I feel that everyone should earn at least the bare minimum. At least the bare minimum. Just enough to stand independent in every aspect of life. Uske baad unki marzi! 

Success looks different to everyone. Everyone doesn’t have to be running in the never-ending race of competition and conventional success. 

That’s a whole different topic altogether and not that relevant at the moment but yes, I was saying that Apurva doesn’t desire much from life.

Being surrounded by her people. 

Finding something or the other to keep herself and them entertained. 

Getting on her feet and putting on the Sherlock Holmes hat the minute she senses something off.

Making sure that she kicks the problems out of her home after they enter without her permission as soon as it is in her capability.

Bringing smiles to the faces of her people regardless of how many tears her own eyes have to shed in the process. 

That’s all that she does and that’s all that matters to her. At the moment. 

From the minute she began the Mission Convince Mai to take her out to the whole umbrella conversation in the cafe – everything was so beautiful. 

What particularly stayed with me from this one was the kind of clarity that Apurva’s mind has depending on what situation she is in. She knew what she had to convey and she did it so beautifully. 

The highlight of the episode for me was undeniably the mother-daughter reunion.  No matter… for how long… you’ve been away from someone – long as your hearts are connected, the bonds do not change, the feelings do not die and the love does not fade. 

वेडं पिल्लू brought the daughter – whose mother was longing for her – to her and it’s a huge thing.

It’s a huge thing for that mother. 

It’s… everything for that mother. 

One of the softest moments today was when Apurva gets upset after Dada-Kaka announces his decision and is about to intervene but Shashank silently holds her back, knowing that a word from her at that moment would invite what she would not be able to take. How subtle but beautiful this moment was! 

Thank you for reading. I hope, you had a good time. The comment section is reserved for you in case you want to share your views. 🙂

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Shubha Gokhale
2 years ago

अपूर्वा काही बोलली असती तर दादाकाकाला तो अपमान वाटला असता आणि म्हणून दादाकाका अपूर्वा ला रागावला असता तर ते….. कदाचित…. शशांक ला सहन झाले नसते…..

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