Thipkyanchi Rangoli – Episode 296 – Episode Review

You signed the divorce papers,
And my foolish heart used to feel that it matters.
That it matters to you just enough to hold on to it no matter how rough the weather gets,
But I forgot that the controller is fate; we are merely its puppets.
It still hurts that I have to let you go,
But if this is what you want then bring it on.
– IAdoreYouCreates

She must stay back. 

“To diva ratrabhar tevat hota karan Shashank ne to diva vijhuch dila nahi!”

As expected, Kukki knocked some sense in Apurva’s frozen mind that had it not been for Shashank, the Diya’s life would have been over long ago. 

It was her husband who couldn’t chill in the bed when his wife was pacing back and forth to keep her eyes open so that she wouldn’t fail in the exam of responsibilities.  

Dr. Shashank Kanitkar had been too brilliant in academics to need to cheat in his exams. He despised the mere idea of cheating but he didn’t think twice before jumping in, writing the exam for his wife and making sure that his wife who was destined to fail would pass with flying colors. 

It was Shashank. It had always been Shashank. How could she not see it before? He seldom slept till that late. He did say that he was awake the whole night. How could she stand so oblivious to the obvious? 

“Kukki sangtoy te khara asel tar? Khadoos ch mazyavar ch prem asel tar? Mhanje me wrong aahe. Kay karu? Suva Aai aalyavar babachya ghari jaycha plan cancel karu ka? Kadachit Khadoos tyacha prem mazyakade bolun dakhvel. Yes. I must stay back.”

Yes, Sweetheart. You are wrong. You’ve always been. As long as your husband is concerned, you’ve been as wrong as you could have been. You’re known to read people but you’ve always failed to read your husband’s eyes.

Only if you hadn’t abandoned your reading skills every time you looked into his eyes, you would have known his truth long ago. The truth of his heart. The heart that holds nobody but you. The heart that has never held anybody but you. It is you, Sweetheart. It has always been you. 

I really liked the scene. I still haven’t warmed up to the new Nikhil and Manasi so I really do miss what the old ones used to bring to the table. I was genuinely so fond of them. That aside, the scene still worked beautifully for me with the Kukki Gang’s favorite topic of discussion getting raised again – ShAppu. 

There is very little that they can do though. Like they say, you can take thirsty people to the well but they have to drink the water.  

No matter who does what, as long as Shashank and Apurva do not take the matter into their hands, nothing is going to happen. 

The Kukki Gang is truly Apurva’s gang though. I have always said that they are her people and I’ll still say the same. They are her people. The way they constantly make sure that she knows that with contract or without a contract – they aren’t letting her go anywhere. Neither would they let her go anywhere nor would they let anyone else take her place.

Kukki – Ya gharat Shashank chi bayko mhanun fakt tu yeshil… dusra konihi nahi. Is it clear? 

Apurva – Tasa nahi aahe, Kukki. Eka varshane jevha mi he ghar sodun janar aahe tevha ha Rani Tai la aannar aahe ya gharat.

Kukki – AAMHI TULA JAUCH DENAR NAHI AAHE aani jari tu gelis tari ya gharat tuzi jaga konich gheu shaknar nahi. Aani tasa jar koni prayatna kela tar aamhi sagle gharatle prakhar virodh karu.

– Episode 80

These people have been determined from the very beginning that it’s either Apurva or nobody. The poor folks had no idea that Shashank Kanitkar could not bring any other woman even in his dreams then bringing someone else into his life was that impossible thing that nobody was capable of making possible. Absolutely nobody. 

If at all, fate has not written her in his stars, he would rather stay alone with her memories for the rest of his life but giving her place to another woman? Shashank Kanitkar was incapable of that. And it was one of those things that he would never learn. He might try to learn to live without her but with someone else? Never in a million lifetimes. 

.Mala nahi tila sang.

Precisely the advice that Shashank needs to follow. The world knows everything. It’s your wife who doesn’t and that is exactly why you need to stop confessing your love when you are alone or when she is sleeping or in front of other people. Enough of that. Give your temperament a rest for a day, postpone your urge to fight for a day, pull her aside or do it in front of everyone but just tell her that you love her. 

Jagala nahi tila sang! Jichyavar itka prem kartos, ka tila satat ha prashna padto ki tu tichyasathi satya aahe ki mrugjal? Karan tu clarity denyat kami padtoy. Ekda deun bagh mag Netra kay Abhay kay Dr. Anjali kay… na tyanchya asnyane farak padnar na tyanchya kahi karnyane! Bol re, baba. Aata tari bol! Nahitar aayushyabhar swapnat ch bolayla lagnar karan tuzya satyat ti naselach. 

Swami, Charno Ki Dhul and Sanskari Bahu 

Dr. Anjali, I tell you. I am almost never getting tired of saying that I still find her so hilarious. Sure, a lot of times, her comments can get really mean and insensitive and it is really because Kanitkars don’t take anything that she says seriously is why I get to laugh at her without seeking offense but most of the time, she is just funny.

The whole Sanskari Bahu thing cracked me up. I couldn’t stop laughing till Suva-Aai entered. I do feel bad to be laughing when she is seeking fun at Dr. Kaushik’s plight but honestly… can’t help it. Her dialogues today were lit. 

Ekda ka mazi mulgi parat aali tar ya circushit kon kontya jhulyavar jhultay mala kay karaychay! Haha. 

Her namaskar though. I bet if any of the neighbors had seen her doing that, they would have wondered – what planet is this woman from? xD. 

And the woman is back.

And, the woman is back and I am so happy she is back. I really missed Suva-Aai and Vitthu Baba and couldn’t be happier now that they are here. The universe of Thipkyanchi Rangoli had started to feel personal long ago. Why there is this strange connect with the people in this universe. You naturally miss them when they are not around. 

Suva-Aai has always been a very significant character and she proved it the moment she entered the scene. Clearly, we didn’t miss her for no reason. I love how she wears a smile even when she is annoyed and knows that she should be just snapping at the person. It’s not being fake. It’s self-control and a different level of self-control altogether. 

The scene was perfect with Suva-Aai reminding Dr. Anjali for yet another time that Apurva is certainly not leaving the Kanitkar’s house. What made the scene work so impeccably was her daughter-in-law confirming her words even without knowing what she had said. 

It was so wholesome the way Apurva came running to hug Suva-Aai and the first thing she asked was where Vitthu Baba was. Did you notice the small hand gesture that Suva-Aai did to Dr. Anjali when Apurva hugged Vitthu Baba? It was like see, I told you. 

I love how Apurva never really lets Kanitkars down. It’s very sweet. 

Mag, Vitthu Baba…. Aata aartya gaychyay aaplyala. 

Guru-Shishya to aate si hi shuru ho gaye! Haha. I am just kidding. I can’t wait to see their singing sessions. 

Kuthey Maza Lek?

While the whole house sat stunned at Shashank’s makeover, I loved how Suva-Aai comforted him by complimenting that he was looking good and it’s just fine for her to see him that way at times. Haha. She wasn’t very impressed by the sight either but I love how she chooses her words so carefully. 

Everyone laughing at Shashank was supposed to be a funny scene but I don’t know, I didn’t really like it much. Maybe because I feel certain gestures that we think are harmless are not really that harmless. 

Mocking and making fun of people can really attack their self-esteem which I sincerely feel people should refrain from doing. Shashank has his own style. It’s his comfort zone. 

Stepping out of your comfort zone is seldom smooth and easy. Seldom. Everyone knows why…. Rather for whom Shashank is trying to do the things that he is not comfortable doing. Shashank already has a set of insecurities that have been heightened after Abhay’s arrival so getting laughed at just worsens things. 

Apurva should have really been the last person to make fun of Shashank. Honestly. Deep down, even she knows that he is doing everything just for her. So hard to respect that? Come on, now that’s insensitive. Very insensitive. Why would he rather why should he do anything for you henceforth if you have no acknowledgment of it? 

Choose – he or me!

I am supposed to be mad at Shashank for being rude to Apurva in front of her parents. Now it doesn’t really matter if it’s in front of her parents or alone but why it didn’t bother me much is because their equation hasn’t been hidden from anyone. 

Dr. Kaushik chose to not react and held back Dr. Anjali from interfering as well and rightfully so. Let them handle their mess. Their mess is their business, none of your business. I am just kidding but honestly, one has to have the maturity to know when to intervene and when to let them be. 

Shashank actually got ready to take Apurva out but the moment he heard that Abhay was coming – he made that rikamtekde lok comment and walked back to his room. As someone who has the realization of his love, genuinely wants to make the marriage work, and is trying from his level of capacity – it must have hurt to abandon the plan of spending time with her that he had made. 

Apurva really sees only the surface things. 

He doesn’t want to come with me. For once – can you try and see why he doesn’t want to come with you? Remember, you had warned him that Netra shouldn’t be at the picnic? This is not very different from that. You don’t want Netra around you two. He doesn’t want Abhay around you two. While he is your friend and you must have the liberty to entertain him, you don’t necessarily have to make him a part of your special moments. Your friendship is here to stay. At the moment, your marriage demands your attention. 

Mor and Kavla

While I enjoy Dr. Anjali’s screen space, the comment was very mean and would deeply hurt anyone. Especially when it came at the time when Shashank was already bowed down beneath the burden of the insecurities that nobody seems to see. 

Sure, a part of me does feel that the comment seems nothing in front of everything that he has said to her daughter so far but what is mean is mean! 

Dr. Anjali has a sharp mind though. She is on point when it comes to understanding a person, spotting his weakness, and attacking right on it. She leaves no scope for her opponent to contemplate that it could be a trap. 

She knew where she needed to hit Shashank so that he wouldn’t even defend himself… forget about attacking back. Sigh. 

And your time starts… now! 

The deadline given by Kukki makes me wonder if we are heading toward the confession.  Tula je karaycha aahe… te ya 2 divsat. Bappa ghari aseparyant. 

Look at the symbolism and hints. 

Bappa’s Visarjan is usually perceived as he doesn’t go alone. He goes, taking along all of your problems and conflicts. Vighnaharta! 

We are close to the 300th episode.  Though after what they did in the 250th episode, shouldn’t be keeping many expectations here but we won’t mind if they surprise us. 

We’ve been witnessing the constant conflict and separation thing for quite a while now. 

So maybe… just maybe… some sort of confession is about to happen. Not the I love you one though.  Or are we about to witness the college track where Shashank is supposed to be a guest lecturer or something in Apurva’s college? I’ve heard that there was one such track in Khorkuto though I don’t know anything more than that about it. 

But let’s see. Hopefully, some good track is waiting for us to witness! 



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Darshan Sonawane
Darshan Sonawane
1 year ago

U r entitled to share what u think in ur reviews…this one is good enough…I guess u share ur perspective more than doing a review which might be correct in all the aspects…but don’t u think a review should be an unbiased one??…more often that not u tend to come in favour of Appu a lot of times…she is the one who acts n he is the one who reacts to it…she can’t be justified all the time just because she is immature…his reactions r so loud that her actions to which that reactions have come goes neglected every single time…anyways, loved reading this one as well…n plz don’t consider this comment a negative one…I’m always in awe of what u write esp. ur fictions n also ur edits

Avi Kale
1 year ago

This was so on the point…
You unfold all the layers an episode has to offer and present emotions, mental state and thinking processes of everyone.
I really loved your analysis of Shashank’s actions and reactions, alongwith the poem. Truly, Shashank has always been shown a proud man… And it is very hard to cross your comfort zone, bear the fun everyone makes of you and if in such a situation, when the person for whom you are trying to change joins the band of fun-makers, it’s the last nail in the coffin.

I personally feel that most of the times, Shashank’s disappointment, anger is truly… truly justified. But it’s just the choice of words he makes turns him villian in fraction of a second. And he remains completely alone in the moments when he truly needs his family by his side, or at least someone who would support him and look at his emotions beyond his words. May it be the farmhouse track, or Avantika track.

But some progression from both the sides is certainly what we deserve. Let’s hope we get it in the coming track…

Avi Kale
1 year ago

Sorry for such a long comment.

But I have been following your website since long time and I wait much much eagerly for your writings. They are just so soothing….

And today’s brilliant review really encouraged me to go forward and express myself…

Shubha Gokhale
1 year ago

Thank you so much…. Finally…. Tumhi kahitari shashank chya bajune lihilay…. Mala farach avadlay aajcha write up…..
Kharay me pan original nikhil ani manasila miss karate….. They were very clever…. Tyanchya dolyat disayache te…..
Hushh…. Suva aai is back…. Shashank anek babtit ticha mulga shobhato…. Ti vayane mothi aahe aani stree aahe mhanun tichya reactions hasat hasat ani tirkya yetat… Remember…. Shshank netra chya payal bam lavat asatana suva aai ani panna kaku jatat… Tevha shashnk mhanto…. Amhi kamach karat hoto…. Tevha… How she reacted…. Te distach aahe…..Pan shashank purush aahe ani to ajun shiktoy….
Sorry… Khup lihilay…. Pan aaj me manapasun khush aahe ki tumhi shashank chya bajune vichar kelat….
As once suva aai said…. Sarkhe tyala badlayla sangu naka…. Tichyasarkhach tyacha pan ek swabhav aahe

1 year ago

They both are in the phase of “maziya priyala preet kalena” Shashank is not able to confess and appu is waiting for his confession. Shashank is going back and forth all the time. At times he wants to confess his and the very next moment he is like if she doesn’t want to be with me, I’ll free her from this marriage.

Aditi Chavan
Aditi Chavan
1 year ago

very nice ❤️👌 the way desc

Aditi Chavan
Aditi Chavan
1 year ago

Very nice ❤️👌

Pratibha Shet
1 year ago

गुलाब आणि काटे…दोन्ही एकाच वेळी….कुकी जाणीव करून देतो अपूर्वा ला….अग कोणता नवरा एवढं बायको साठी करेल…शशांक त्याला न आवडणारे कपडे बायकोसाठी येतो घालून…पण सगळेच त्याला त्यावरून चिडवतात…आणि शेवटी अंजली कडून ऐकून घ्यावं लागत…मोरपीस खोचली म्हणून कावळा मोर नाही होत 😡 छानच लिहिलं आहेस

1 year ago

Beautiful ❤️❤️

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