Thipkyanchi Rangoli – Episode 372 – Written Update and Review

I am sorry that you have to go through this,
And thank you for staying by my side, offering this bliss.
The bliss of your unconditional support and your beautiful smile,
Without you, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able to face this missile.
– IAdoreYouCreates

W H A T   H A P P E N E D   I N   T H E   E P I S O D E ?

DK – Dada-Kaka
S – Shashank
BDK – Builder Dhananjay Karmarkar
BB – Netra Desai ( Bitter Babe )
DA – Durga Aatya
BA – Babi Aatya
PPP – Prachi and Panna Kaku

Appu stops everyone and complains that they are all teasing her together and tells them to enjoy with their Shashudya and she will leave. Shashank stops her from walking away and sings Ha Rswa Sod Sakhe song to manao her (in his own voice).

The family smirk seeing them and Appu gets convinced and sits down. Amey and Manasi sing to each other as well. Kukki starts singing Hi Chal Turu Turu and ShAppu, Amey, Sumi join him and dance around the fire.

Goons come outside and see them which only PPP notice and they go in again irritatedly. DA smiles as she exasperatedly says they won’t sleep or let her sleep either. 

Assistant getting extremely annoyed saying it’s because of Sir’s orders, otherwise I would have…He gets a call from BDK and tries to cover up saying everything is in control. BDK hears the singing though and asks what the sound is and gets shocked hearing they are all singing. The assistant says you won’t believe how horribly some of them sing, our heads are pounding. 

BDK tells him not to give him excuses and make sure the family doesn’t enter and cuts the call. BDK thinks what they are made of, they are on the streets and still singing? Are they taking me lightly or do they have some other plan?

They continue singing a new song. Goons come out and yell at them that why are they singing when they are on the streets? Appu asks him what’s his problem. The assistant says are you asking me, instead of preparing for your shelter, you are all sitting around singing, are you out of your mind? 

Appu goes to him and says did you think we would sit around crying? Shashank stands behind her as she says that Kanitkars don’t cry that easily, that’s our problem. 

Kukki joins and says we take care of any problem. Appu says and we move on after we solve it. 

The assistant says then go somewhere else. Appu asks why should we leave, this is our house, you guys forcibly took away our house from us, you don’t know who you are messing with. The assistant says you don’t know who you all are messing with, you still haven’t understood BDK sir, you want to create a scene? Go ahead but remember that BDK won’t step back. 

Appu says neither will we, and remember that your BDK sir himself will give us the keys back himself and he will apologize to DK as well. The assistant says let’s see. Appu starts Jiinku kiva maru and the whole family (including PPP) joins in until the goons go back in. Appu and DA smile at each other.

The next morning.

DA tries to get Shashank to wake up and complains that he was hitting his machine (laptop) all night and was roaming around and not waking up now. She tells Appu to look at her husband. Appu says I will take care of it and tries to wake up Shashank who says five minutes!   

Appu says what 5 mins, did you forget we are not in our house?

Shashank gets up and apologizes for forgetting. DA asks him why he was awake late at night? 

Shashank says he was doing office work and thinking about work issues and roaming around. He asks Appu how she’s awake so early. 

Appu says she didn’t sleep, she kept tossing and turning and wasn’t able to sleep. 

S asks why? Appu says nothing, it’s just all of this..and stops herself. 

Shashank gets guilty and apologizes that she’s having to live like this because of him. 

DA says she’s used to sleeping all soft and comfy so that’s why. 

Appu says nothing like that and changes the topic and tells Shashank to freshen up and asks them if they will have chai.

PPP gets groceries and Panna asks Prachi why she’s so irritated. Prachi says what else should I do, it was so hard last night, with mosquitos and all. I can’t live like this, let’s go somewhere.

Panna says the house your Baba looked into before is taken now, we will have to search for another place. 

Prachi asks what about bank quarters. Panna explains that it’s for out-of-town workers. Prachi suggests Ajji’s house. 

Panna says your Baba won’t like it, he’s already angry with us. And remember that Appu refused to go with her Aai, if we go now, then everyone will see that. 

Prachi says let’s give the excuse of my study then, no one will say anything then. Panna denies saying we will have to adjust, and I can’t leave your Baba alone. Prachi says he’s not alone, all of his people are with him. Panna says that’s why we should be with him, he works in the bank but he doesn’t know the business at all, he always messes up in his calculations. Look, if BDK gives the money in our absence, and your Baba messes up in calculations, then we will be at loss, do you understand?

Prachi says how long will we have to live this, if people in my college find out that I’m sleeping on the streets, they will laugh in my face. Panna says it’s for a few days, BDK will give money in a couple of days & asks her to stay calm but Prachi shrugs her off and walks away!

Mai looks at the rations and realizes that Tur dal is over. PPP come home just then and they talk about what to make and rations. 

BB comes then and sees that everyone (Amey, Manasi, Mai, Appu, PPP) is outside with all of their things. Prachi sees BB first and then Appu who wonders why she came here. Prachi cautions Panna who sees BB also. BB thinks what is this, did they really get kicked out, is what I heard true, but then where is Shashank sir? Panna cautions Mai as well. 

Appu asks BB why she is here when she just came to check in yesterday, so why did she come again, oh I’m so stupid, you must have come to meet your ladka Shashank sir right? 

Appu calls her in and BB says so you really did get kicked out right. BB says all of this is happening because of you. Appu asks what she means? BB says yes, god knows how much more Shashank sir will have to tolerate. Appu asks what did I do? 

Mai thinks why is BB here at this time, I don’t understand what work she has with Shashank, I hope she doesn’t start another fight with Appu. BB says ever since she came into Shashank sir’s life, one after another problem has come up, try to remember. Ever since your alliance was fixed, try to remember how many problems this family has had to face. 

Appu gets affected and stammers that it’s not like that and she’s lying. BB says you are not able to say that strongly because you also know that I’m right. Shashank sir should have never married you. Appu asks her who she is to say all of this. BB says Shashank’s well-wisher. Before you entered his life, do you know how happy he was, he was prospering, he was getting so many awards, and everyone was praising him. After marrying you, do you remember any of this happening?

Mai thinks what is BB saying, Appu is innocent, and she will believe her words.

BB continues that after marriage, they say lakshmi enters the house, but you stole their house from them, and brought them onto the streets because you are unlucky. Appu tries to deny and tells her not to get involved in their personal things. BB scoffs and says what is it to you, after your 1-year contract is done, you will leave, but the damage you’ve done to Shashank sir and his family, what about that? You understand what I’m saying right… because you are inauspicious. 

Mai yells out Netra and comes to Appu and tells her not to pay attention to that because it’s not true. BB gets tensed that did Mai hear her? Mai tells BB that just so you know, Appu is our lakshmi, and after she came, our family only got happiness (Amey and Manasi agree, while PPP are stoic). 

BB tries to cover up saying that’s not what I mean. 

Mai says I heard what you wanted to say and I also understand what you were trying to make Appu believe! 

Mai continues that’s why I’m talking in between to get rid of your misunderstanding. Whatever you’ve said to Appu so far is false, you got some misinformation. Ever since Appu came, we only got happiness, and our relations got stronger. See how diff atmosphere this girl came from, but she mixed so well with all of us. Whenever a problem comes up, she stands with us and is part of every happy and sad moment. Sua comes just then and stands afar by Amey/Manasi hearing everything. She was so restless to make sure Prachi wasn’t married to the wrong person, Kukki’s job was also saved because of her. 

Sua asks Mai what’s happening and what is she doing here. Mai says nothing, she was trying to make Appu understand how inauspicious she is, so I made BB understand in diff words. 

Sua scoffs and says who are you trying to make understand, the girl who couldn’t understand her own mother’s love, why are you trying to make her understand about relations?

Written by – Ishqi <3

M Y   T A K E

The initial couple of minutes were very sweet. From Shashank manaofying his khoti khoti rusleli bayko ( his wife who was faking anger ) to Amey and Manasi’s small dance. I LOVE Ek Lajraan Sajra Mukhda by the way. 

Who would believe that this family has been thrown out of their house and are currently miserable? The way they were chilling legit gave the camping with bonfire vibes. 

Shashank was legit romancing in front of his family with zero awkwardness whatsoever. xD. The way he made her sit back at the end though. Smooth. 

But those who are consumed by negativity can’t stand happiness and positivity. Why it irked up the goons inside the Wada. Now I am not a sadist but I loved how it riled them up. It got them ugh and it got me yay!  Haha. 

When the goons come outside to threaten Kanitkars and Appu walks up to them to handle them, Shashank immediately follows and stands right behind her. That’s… significant. He let her have her word without intervening but stood right there in her support just if at all something went wrong. 

loved the whole moment but the next moment caught me off-guard. I so didn’t expect Apurva to know Jinku Kiva Maru and especially the full lyrics. Surprised and impressed.  

The next morning’s waking husband up session though. Soft. Aatya-Aaji handing over the responsibility of waking him up to Apurva cracked me up. Somehow the complaint ae, Apurva, see your husband is not getting up sounded very cute to me. I liked it so much that I actually watched it twice. And the Bayko being Bayko – don’t worry, Aatya-Aaji. Let me handle my husband. 

Bayko – Husband, you need to wake up. 

Navra – Five minutes, please. 

Bayko – What five minutes? We are not in our house. Just wake up already. 

Haha. I don’t know why I found this hilariously relatable. 

I am still not over how Mrs. Kanitkar slips her hands around his neck to wake him up though. I am not over how naturally her first instinct is to get him his glasses either. That’s just endearing but wait – what Navra does next is even more endearing. 

How come you are up so early? Did you sleep well? 

Just Mr. Kanitkar things… who apparently knows his wife just enough to make me smile with his gestures. I love how he didn’t take a minute to bring that question up just the way her hands didn’t take a minute to grab his glasses. 

Mrs. Kanitkar almost blurted out why she couldn’t sleep but stopped just within time… at least that’s what she thought but unfortunately, Shashank and even Aatya-Aaji had sensed the matter by then. 

And Mr. Kanitkar apologized. Because his wife was suffering and he considered himself responsible for it. I love how honest he was about it. He let her know that he hated that she was forced to adjust to the situation that was putting her at unease. 

Mr. Kanitkar and his raw, unfiltered apology reached me. 

And I equally admire how Apurva is adjusting with zero complaints. Dr. Anjali may be annoying but most of the time, she states facts. One of the relevant ones here is how Apurva had grown up in a very lavish way if I may put it that way. For someone like her to adjust to a situation like this is admirable.

She is clearly not comfortable. She couldn’t really lie about it either. Why she just shrugged it off and walked away. But what is beautiful is that she is trying. She refuses to quit no matter how uncomfortable things get. She is standing with her family in this storm and she will continue to stand with them no matter how fierce the storm gets.

I am not very sure how I feel about Prachi and Panna Kaku’s conversation. It kinda confused me. At one dialogue of Panna Kaku, I would feel that she is our old Panna Kaku and at the next, she would seem this stranger I have never known. 

When I actually felt that she was staying back for Kukki, she added that if they didn’t stay, her naive husband would take whatever amount of money that BDK will give him. 

Sigh. The whole conversation left me perplexed. I couldn’t understand her intentions. 

Prachi is the classic example of the category of kids who act sincere and innocent but have a lot of bottled-up emotions inside. I could never imagine Prachi saying my classmates would laugh at me otherwise especially when they have such intense issues going on. 

And there entered our Bitter Babe who seems to be married now. To her imaginary husband, I am sure you know. xD. Bitter Babe and her wild imagination though! Just oof!

Netra Desai certainly knows Apurva Vartak Kanitkar’s triggers. She precisely knows what to say to her to press the points that she intends to press. To Apurva’s misfortune, Netra is smart enough to twist a fact in a way that is convenient to her and she adds a series of statements that leave Apurva insecure. 

Netra played very smart in front of our naive Apurva here but Bitter Babe’s fortune wasn’t on her side this time. Mai overheard her sick blame and stepped forward to put Bitter Babe in her place and I loved how she did that. Mai wasn’t so subtle and gentle this time which is so unlike her. It seems like Bitter Babe has really gotten on her nerves. 

A pretty interesting episode this one was. 

I realized while making this post that I had stared writing reviews from the episode 172 and now that I am resuming after a break, it’s… episode 372. 

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Avi Kale
1 year ago

You have described Waking husband up session so beautifully that it makes me feel to go back to the episode and watch it again…

Did you notice?
Mr. Kanitkar didn’t budge even when aatya aaji was calling him multiple times and that too, loudly, “ae Shashank, are uth re..” But he replies at the very first call of his wife when the call was very sweet and gentle compared to the first one…
And that reply of five minutes though… I don’t know why, but it cracked me up… Like seriously, is this the punctual scientist who is cutely asking for five more minutes of sleep when everyone else in the house is awake ?

Nice review, Harshada…

Ashwini Thatte
Ashwini Thatte
1 year ago

Beautiful as always! I was waiting for your take! Just love it!

Manisha Pujar
1 year ago

Very beautiful update

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