Thipkyanchi Rangoli – Weekly Episode Review – 211- 215

I wish I had it in me to hate you but this foolish heart still waits for your return,
It desperately wants you to see what you have broken.
Despite your harsh words, it still longs to hear your voice,
How long will you take to realize?
Look into my eyes once,
Can’t you see that my heart can’t stand this distance?
I don’t care how you find the mirror that will bring you in front of your mistakes,
But just find it because I am struggling to deal with the distress that your absence awakes!

S U M M A R Y   O F   T H E   W E E K

| Netra slyly accuses Apurva of having mixed something in her drink and asks her to drink it if she hasn’t. Suva Aai who witnesses the whole moment refuses to allow Apurva to drink the juice. Netra continues to provoke Apurva who ends up taking a sip despite Suva Aai’s firm protest.

| Shashank stands near the door and watches the whole thing. He steps in right when Suva Aai tries to take Apurva out of the room and grabs the glass. Netra starts her drama and assures Shashank that she will drink it if he asks her to. He takes a sip, surprising Apurva and Suva Aai. Walking up to Netra, he subtly warns her to think before accusing his wife of anything.

| Apurva brings it to Suva Aai’s notice that Shashank drank the juice from the same glass that she had taken a sip from and they giggle. Apurva asks Shashank not to say anything to Netra, commenting that they all know how she is and thanks him for trusting her enough to take her side this time. She adds that she liked it while he nods.

| Dada-Kaka makes Maai see how stopping Netra wasn’t probably the best decision to make. They discuss how Netra is trying to snatch Shashank. When Maai compares Apurva to Netra, saying that they can make Netra feel home the way they did with Apurva, Dada-Kaka brings the clear differences that are between Apurva and Netra. He adds that Apurva’s core values are the same as that of theirs, unlike Netra. While Maai expresses her confidence that Apurva and Shashank’s relationship would pass this life test with flying colors, Dada-Kaka nods but doesn’t shy away from saying that the mess that she has created by stopping Netra might bring more troubles their way.

| Ovi who has been manipulated by Deepali insists that she wouldn’t stay here. Deepali supports her, making Bhaskar lose his calm. Babi Aatya tries to calm him down. Deepali asks Babi Aatya to sacrifice her love and let Bhaskar come with them. Deepali and Ovi leave despite Babi Aatya’s persistent attempts to stop them. She asks Bhaskar to bring them back or else she will leave as well.

| Netra confronts Apurva regarding her marriage contract. She tells Apurva that Shashank has shown her those contract papers and continues to make her believe that Shashank does not love her. Apurva admits that Shashank and she are going to part ways after a year but makes it clear that she is going to go nowhere leaving Kanitkars. She tells her that Kanitkars are her people and she is going to stay with them forever. Netra smiles, expressing that she can keep Kanitkars as she anyway can’t stand them, adding that she would leave for the USA with Shashank after their marriage. Apurva tells her that she has Kanitkars who happen to be Shashank’s world and he can never stay without that world no matter what. Dada-Kaka overhears the conversation and mentally pats Apurva’s back for winning the battle by staying calm. He adds that she won over Kanitkars that day.

| Babi Aatya reaches Kanitkar’s residence and reveals what has happened. Everyone gets upset over how Babi Aatya is handling the situation who refuses to listen to anyone. Kanitkar women try to make Babi Aatya understand to not leave Bhaskar’s side because of Ovi and Deepali but Babi Aatya makes it clear that she can’t stand the fact that she has broken someone’s family. Bhaskar visits Kanitkars and asks Babi Aatya if she will come to the USA and stay there till he gets everything done regarding Ovi”s school and stuff so that they can permanently return to India. Babi Aatya agrees and Kanitkars rejoices.

| Shashank gets ecstatic upon seeing Apurva lost in her studies when he returns from the institute and walks into the room to check how it is going. He tells her that he will teach her when she says that she can’t seem to understand anything. He asks her to continue studying while he freshens up, promising to be back the soonest as possible.

| When he returns to the room, he overhears Apurva revealing it to the Kukki gang that she understands nothing that Shashank explains, reasoning that she can’t seem to pay attention to anything or anyone but him when he is in front of her. She says that she will talk about only studies from now onwards as it is what he likes. When Sumi asks her if she is going to study so much for real, Apurva says that she is just going to pretend.

| Furious upon feeling that she does not respect his time and efforts, Shashank steps into the room, enraged and blasts Apurva. Suva Aai and Netra come to the room when his pitch goes higher than usual. He repeats that he can’t stand any jokes about studies and brings back the whole you won’t get the first class by doing all this timepass and stuff like that. He hurts her again by saying that he can never love someone like her as someone who does not respect his time and love for studies would never feel his to him. His harsh words leave Apurva in tears and she rushes out of the room.

| Suva-Aai catches Netra walking just fine and makes her leave. While leaving, Netra mocks Apurva, taking advantage of the words that Shashank has uttered and reminds her that she would be back and that time… it would be forever.

| Apurva drowns herself in the hurt, remembering Shashank’s words and decides to leave as she realizes that no matter how good she tries to be, he just does not see it. She makes up her mind to leave Shashank now that he feels that he deserves a better girl.

| Sumi holds a conversation with Shashank as she tries her best to make Shashank see and own up to his mistakes but he refuses to entertain her explanation and justification.

| Kanitkars try to stop her but she stays firm on her word. Shashank watches her from upstairs but makes no attempt to stop her. Apurva tells them that she – the Pizza-Pasta is a misfit in the perfect Maharashtrian Thali of Kanitkars. Dada-Kaka urges her to have dinner before leaving. When the food does not taste like the usual to Apurva, she asks them what it is. Dada-Kaka smiles before making her see that food is tasteless because the salt is leaving Kanitkar’s Thali, telling her that she is the salt that brings taste to their Thali. Suva Aai tells her that they are going to eat saltless and tasteless food for life now that their salt is leaving them.

| Apurva acknowledges their words and promises to stay back, after seeing her importance in the Kanitkar’s thali.

| Later at night, Apurva chooses silence when Shashank tries to talk to her. The Kukki gang enters the room and brings her some pens and papers. When Shashank says that she was just pretending to leave to gain sympathy from Kanitkars, she explains her importance in the home like Kanitkars had explained it to her. Shashank comments who is that stupid to tell you all of this and Apurva reveals that it is Dada-Kaka. Amey gets up to tell Dada-Kaka that he has just been called a stupid but Shashank stops him.

| After the Kukki gang leaves, Shashank tries to talk to Apurva who chooses the pen and paper to let him know that long as he doesn’t apologize to her, she will not talk to him. He refuses to apologize as he does not feel that he is at fault.

| Apurva reaches the kitchen, in search of some work to escape her studies. She tells Suva Aai and Aparna Kaku that if she sits to study and Shashank returns home – he will taunt her again that she is pretending to study. She says that she is better off studying for the time being. She enjoys working with Suva Aai and Aparna Kaku and the trio has fun.

| Suva Aai meets Shashank when he returns from the institute and uses her own creative ways to make Shashank apologize to Apurva but he doesn’t seem to get it. Aparna Kaku does her bit and asks him to end the fight and talk to Apurva. Later, the Kukki gang comes to him with papers that say apologize to Appu. 

| Shashank and Apurva write notes to communicate with each other when Apurva continues to maintain her stance and refuses to speak a word to him until he says sorry. He tells her that he is leaving early morning the next day for a conference. He confirms that he is going alone when she asks if Netra is joining him. He grows restless with her silence when he tries to sleep.

| Shashank leaves early in the morning the next day. Apurva pretends to be asleep when he covers her properly with the blanket. While Shashank mentally expresses his displeasure to see her not waking up to say bye, Apurva gets equally bummed out that he did not wake her up to say bye.

| Vitthu Baba fights with Suva Aai over practically nothing. When she suspects the call that he was having, she asks him who it was. He says that it was work related call. She confirms if it really was and all hell breaks loose. He ends up saying a whole lot of hurtful things which leaves Suva Aai taken aback and in tears.

| Apurva misses Shashank, reminiscing their happy times together but her smile fades when the memories of his harsh words come back to her.

| Apurva brings the clothes that Maai was folding out of her room and puts them on the table where Kanitkars are busy in their respective worlds. The amount of clothes leaves Kanitkar men surprised as they never seem to have realized that they wash that many clothes every day. Apurva corrects them and says that they don’t wash those many clothes every day but it’s Suva Aai, Maai and Aparna Kaku who do. Apurva makes Kanitkar men realize that they should help the women and gets them to fold their clothes. When they struggle to properly fold it, the Kanitkar women ask them to let it be but Apurva insists to let them do it, saying that it is how they will learn.

| Suva Aai continues to get restless upon watching Vitthu Baba sticking to his phone throughout. She follows him when he gets a call and overhears half of his conversation where he says that he can’t talk in front of his wife and that he is coming to meet the person he was talking to on the call. Suva Aai ends up presuming that he is having an affair and breaks down in front of the Kanitkar women.

| Maai, Aparna Kaku and Apurva try to tell her that Vitthu Baba isn’t of that kind but Suva Aai brings up how he has never been rude to her all their life but said a whole lot of stuff to her today. She bursts into tears as she tells Apurva that now she understands how she must have felt when Netra was staying with them.

| Bank officers visit Kanitkars and reveal that Vitthu Baba has taken a loan of 5 Lakhs two years ago, warning them to pay the loan or else they would have to take legal action. Kukki and Dada-Kaka try to tell them that there has to be some misunderstanding as Vitthu Baba would have taken money from them if he needed them. The officers tell them that they have documents.

| Suva Aai has another moment of breakdown as she concludes that Vitthu Baba has spent the money on that other woman who has stepped into the picture now.

| Vitthu Baba returns home and gives the officers 3 Lakhs, assuring them that he will pay the rest in the bank. Dada-Kaka says that they would do it today itself. Vitthu Baba denies help, saying that it is his mess and he will deal with it but Dada-Kaka asks him to stay quiet. He takes the chequebook and leaves with Vitthu Baba to pay the loan.

| Suva Aai breaks down, almost sure that Vitthu Baba is having an affair. When Kanitkars refuse to believe it, she tells them that a wife gets to know first if and when her husband is involved with some woman.

| Apurva decides to investigate and find out what’s the matter.

| Suva Aai’s words – husbands lie – get Apurva wondering if Netra did go with Shashank and he lied to her about it


M Y   T A K E  

Suva Aai wasn’t willing to let Apurva drink the juice – not because there was something mixed in it – but simply because there was no reason why Apurva should prove it to Netra. Netra? Who is Netra anyway? Definitely not someone who and whose accusation matter to Suva Aai. Netra would be the last person whose vile things Suva Aai would entertain. I love how she was persistent in not letting Apurva drink it but Apurva did it anyway which again, seemed okay to me.

I don’t feel that Apurva drank the juice because she felt a need to prove her honesty to Netra but more in an indifferent context. Like fine, you think I have mixed something in this and want me to experiment first so that you can be assured?? Fine. FINE. It seemed more in that taste which again is something that I don’t mind.

Shashank taking a sip of it was something that I definitely saw coming, not going to lie there but the scene wasn’t that impactful. Maybe because of all of the things that have happened right before it. It was still mildly sweet but not something that I can be in awe of.

Also made me wonder if Shashank believed Apurva and stayed on her side because there was no proof against her with Netra this time! Mr. Kanitkar and his need for proof to believe in something or someone though! Not going to comment on that because that’s a pretty individual thing. Some people can trust even the ones who have betrayed and deceived them not once but many times while some people struggle to trust even their own people. There goes a lot of things behind why they feel what they feel. A lot of things but let’s not get into the details because that might get you bored but yes, everyone has reasons why they do what they do, why they feel what they feel and why they react to a certain situation the way they do. It can be hard to understand at times though.

I will not get tired of appreciating and admiring Apurva in this particular track though. The woman has grown so much and her sweet and ever so forgiving heart is that magnet that pulls me toward her. She actually smiled and thanked Shashank for being on her side in this matter. Probably not an easy thing to do. Probably not something that everyone can do. After everything that he has said to her. After the way he has behaved with her.

Team Appu FTW!

I loved Dada-Kaka and Maai’s conversation. Was pretty deep and insightful. The way Maai was just clueless in the beginning till Dada-Kaka made her see why stopping Netra wasn’t probably the choice that she should have made gave away that she really is just nice and naive but I have one word for the whole conversation – pure and mature. Oh, sorry, I had said one word, no? But I am sure, you won’t mind.

Dada-Kaka verbally admitting that Netra is indeed a tornado in Shashank and Apurva’s life was something that I did not genuinely expect so I was bound to be pleasantly taken aback.

This is one of the scenes that I know I would watch with a smile no matter how many times I go back to it.

Deepali’s matter is getting toxic now. I can’t seem to like her screen space at all. I found her genuine before and during the suicide track but the present Deepali is not someone who I can sympathize with. I think, that’s also because it deeply upsets me that she just does not seem to care what she is doing to Ovi. She is literally creating a pit of toxicity and pushing Ovi into it. I have no issues if she does not or cannot stay with Bhaskar and Babi Aatya so… just make a peaceful choice? Leave but creating a false narrative, planting the trees – not even seeds – trees of hatred in Ovi’s heart regarding someone who has been a father to her so far put me off.

For yet another time, I support Bhaskar’s choice of letting the duo go. It is simply beyond anyone to force and change someone’s mind. Not even healthy, in my opinion. He let them go which felt right to me. Babi Aatya leaving him with no choice wasn’t something that I appreciated. While I do get it that leaving with the guilt of ruining a family sucks, you have to find solutions. Not leave your partner to deal with it alone. These four people seem to have it messed up. Pretty chaotic. Can just hope for them to sort it out soon and find peace.

Coming to Mr. and Mrs. Kanitkar – I would say this track may not have been the best one but this is not that bad either. Having trust issues is just fine. Accusations and blames are just fine. Not justified but just fine. Long as you can realize, acknowledge, accept, apologize and repent. 

I particularly loved when Shashank smiles upon watching Apurva studying when he returns from the institute. Not something that he had expected. A pleasant surprise it was for him. What stayed with me from that scene was Mr. Kanitkar’s priority that stayed Mrs. Kanitkar’s studies. Despite a long, tiring day at the institute, he was so genuinely eager and willing to teach her. He was yet to even take a sip of water. But realizing that freshening up first was probably a better choice because that would mean – needing no breaks once he sat to explain the topics to her – so he asked her to continue studying and he almost… rushed out. Almost rushed out. Forget the tiredness. Forget the need to relax for ten minutes or so. Forget having food. Forget everything. Why? Because his priority was – her studies.

Not letting the memories of his brutal words dominate her senses, Apurva was thinking about nothing but the fact that he would be with her today as well. I don’t know if to smile or feel bad for her. All that she needs from him is… just his presence. Just his presence and all that he has been giving her lately is his absence along with accusations and taunts. Sigh. I have always felt that Appu has a heart that knows how to forgive without holding a grudge. Exceptions exist, of course. 

Farmhouse track. The bed scene right in the previous episode to the farmhouse track. Drunk track. Kya kya nahi tha bola tha Mr. Kanitkar ne! Fir bhi kitni aasani se maaf kar sab bhula diya, Mrs. Kanitkar ne?

So I actually feel that she is no longer holding on to his recent words but he will do something that will bring back the memories of those words, slap her with the hurt increased by multiple folds and maybe that’s when she will step back.

And the fiasco began and the castle of their affection that they were rebuilding came crashing down. Courtesy – selective hearing and convenient understanding. 

Mr. Kanitkar selectively picked only those bits from the conversation that he overheard that were convenient to him. He paid absolutely no attention to the fact that she said that she can’t focus on anything when he is in front of her. Do you not realize what that means, Mr. Kanitkar or you just do not want to understand? Because even a ten-year-old can put its meaning loud and clear for you. But no, you chose to focus on only that she was pretending to study. Did you pause for a minute to wonder why she was doing that? Why was she pretending, Mr. Kanitkar? Why was she pretending? Because she has been missing you? Because she likes having you around? Pure intentions and harmless scheming, Mr. Kanitkar. Not very different from the ones that you have done – teddy isn’t available. Why did you do that? Because you wanted to keep her closer, right? She did what she did because of the same thing, Mr. Kanitkar. Because of the same thing but your scientist brain seems too incapable to understand that which is quite unfortunate. 

Shashank’s outburst did not seem right to me. It stays right from his perspective because his mind couldn’t look beyond the thing that she kind of cheated him, lied to him and disrespected his time and efforts but it sucked. It really did. Especially the words that came out of his mouth during the outburst. Like I have said before as well – Shashank’s anger and words have always been a terrible, terrible combination. 

Apurva decided to leave and I genuinely wanted her to. Not because of anything else but simply to have a break from the whole stressful atmosphere that she has been in lately. Her absence would have given Shashank a reason and some good time for introspection but I am not disappointed that she stayed because the way Kanitkars made her stay was beautiful. 

I loved the whole scene. Everyone did their bit and it was extremely convincing. I agree with what Vitthu Baba said – why should they be punished for Shashank’s mistakes? Apurva loves Kanitkars as much as Kanitkars love her. One should never allow anything or anyone to make him/her walk away from his/her happiness. Kanitkars are the source of happiness for Apurva. Nothing is worth going away from them. 

He asa maun-vrat dharan karun tu tras denar aahes ka?

Tras hotoy ka Mr. Kanitkar la? This stood out. Had to. Shashank’s growing restlessness with Apurva’s silence was expected but it was good to see how severe it was. Apurva’s condition that she wouldn’t talk to him until he says sorry was actually very innocent but I hope, she realizes that expecting something from someone which that someone is not capable of giving will only lead to disappointment. 

Shashank is not capable of saying sorry to her at the moment because he does not feel that he is wrong. Apologizing because you are forced to is meaningless. It has to come from within. The realization. The remorse. The guilt. The need to seek forgiveness. It has to come from within. You can’t force it. 

I guess, I must be the only one who is actually glad to see that Kanitkars aren’t intervening to make Shashank see his mistakes. It would have been useless anyway. 

Shashank is no longer a kid and definitely not of the kind to whom you can show the mirror reflecting his wrongdoings. He has to find that mirror by himself for him to see that what he did… sucked. 

I am still so not sure how they’re going to make him find that mirror but I am pretty hopeful that something good is on the way.

No matter how stubbornly anyone tries to tell Shashank that he has made a mistake ( rather a whole lot of mistakes), until and unless he feels it – it’s pointless but I loved Suva Aai and Shashank’s scene where she says sorry to him thrice just to make him see that saying sorry is not that hard and definitely doesn’t make you small. I actually did find her apologizing weird until she revealed why she said that. Made the scene extremely impactful for me. 

Khud ki galtiyaan jab tak khud se na realize ho – unka regret, guilt aur remorse utna severe nahi hota jitna ho sakta hai ya maybe hona chahiye. 

Introspection. Reflection. Regret. 

Shashank has actually been quite patient and understanding in the past especially when it came to Apurva. Apurva and the Kukki gang have put him through a whole lot of bothersome and embarrassing situations and even though he made sure to always call out, he was incredibly patient – be it to make her understand his point or consoling her or just doing weird things to keep her happy. 

I feel that the creatives had this old, cliche strategy for this duo. 

Hold a series of judgmental opinions about her. 

Get pulled into scenarios where stuff happens and you are forced to see that your opinions weren’t right.

Get rid of those opinions, replace them with the new and legit ones and see the reality instead of your version of reality. 

But somehow, I feel, Shashank’s new ( right ) opinions do not last for long. Perhaps, that’s because something happens before his new judgments can get firm and he jumps back to his previous judgments. That’s the way I see these two. 

This might be underrated but I love the post marriage scene where Shashank asks her to go to her Kukki gang and plan what experiments ( pranks ) to do on him and she says she does not do that and Shashank says that she shouldn’t either because Dada-Kaka might end up scolding her and she wouldn’t be able to take it.

It was such a sweet moment for me. Shashank acknowledged that Apurva is sensitive and if Dada-Kaka ends up saying something to her… she would get hurt. That genuine concern, willingness to shield her from something that can potentially scar her heart warmed my heart.

Mr. Kanitkar is a flawed man. Undeniably but he is still worth being loved and stayed with. Because despite his ego and arrogance, he has a heart that does not hesitate to accept his mistakes when he realizes them. If he has got ten flaws, he has a hundred good qualities.  

I am all in for investing in someone who makes mistakes but is willing to take the accountability, regret, apologize, make it up and sincerely try not to repeat it. 

Also, I believe, I can let go of most of his awful words and acts ( after he regrets, apologizes and makes efforts to change ) because they are still in the initial phase of their marriage. I don’t think. I would be okay with his accusations if he says any of these things after a significant time has passed.

Also, at times, I feel that not having spoilers from what has happened in the Khorkuto will make us enjoy TR a lot better. Of course, having spoilers seem fun. Especially when it’s a remake but it brings in comparisons and we start expecting as well. When those expectations aren’t fulfilled, it leads to disappointments. We might just end up spending a whole lot of energy on Khorkuto which we could spend on TR. 

I can’t seem to enjoy Mr. Kanitkar’s absence though but can’t help it. Return soon, redeem yourself and give us our Mr. Kanitkar back soon, Mr. Kanitkar.

I loved all of the family scenes though. Especially Apurva enjoying working with the Kanitkar women and the clothes folding scene. Both were pretty feel-good ones. 

Vitthu Baba and Suva Aai’s conflict begins and I can’t genuinely decide if it is serious or hilarious. I appreciate the way this track has been progressing though. The creatives are ensuring that the viewers aren’t bombarded with too much of negativity so they find their own ways to add the humor elements and keep it light despite the serious situation. Not an easy thing to do but they are doing so well. 

What’s the key takeaway from this situation? That it is always easy to advise people when you aren’t in that situation. How firm Suva Aai has been all along – especially regarding Appu and Babi Aatya – but what happened when she got stuck into somewhat a similar situation? She is breaking down so – advising people is always easy but when those situations come to you – you might find yourself struggling to cope.

It’s not a bad thing though. It is just the way it is. 

I was remembering how and why I invested in Thipkyanchi Rangoli the other day and recalled that I had watched the sweet hug initiated by the husband whose distraught wife couldn’t stand the thought of any harm touching him and I let that hug hypnotize me to make me watch the show. 

Shishta’s Khadoos and Appu’s Shashank – both need to be back soon. SOON.


Took me longer than usual, I know. I wasn’t keeping well and then I lost the first draft so I had to actually write this all over again and rewriting is never fun. Not for me at least. Nonetheless, I hope you will enjoy reading. Much love.

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Pratibha Shet
2 years ago

Always enjoy your writing ❤️❤️ specially… शशांक च परीक्षण छान करतेस 👌

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