Divya-Drishti is an Indian supernatural television drama series that aired from 23 February 2019 to 23 February 2020 on Star Plus, produced under Fireworks Productions, starring Sana Sayyad, Nyra Banerjee, Sangita Ghosh, Adhvik Mahajan, and Mishkat Verma in pivotal roles.
Divya-Drishti revolved around the story of two sisters Divya and Drishti who get separated in the childhood. The duo is blessed with divine powers to see and change the future. The purpose of their life becomes to find each other and protect the Kaal Vijay Ratna from the evil eyes of Pishachini who is after their life for that gem. Twenty years later when they find each other, their fight against Pishachini begins.
Divya-Drishti is a supernatural thriller that showcases the beautiful relationship between the sisters. The acting is too authentic not to connect. The show moves at a pace that does not allow you any boredom. Even with some of the loopholes that it has, it makes an interesting show that is worth the watch.
Divya-Drishti – The Divine Sight!