Thipkyanchi Rangoli is an Indian Marathi-language television drama series that was premiered on 4 October 2021 on Star Pravah, produced under Film Farm India, starring Chetan Vadnere and Dnyanada Ramtirthkar as the protagonists.
Thipkyanchi Rangoli is a remake of the popular Bengali television show Khorkuto, revolving around the story of Shashank Kanitkar and Apurva Vartak who cannot stand each other, owing to the stark contrast in their priorities and their approach toward life but fate schemes to bring them together.
Thipkyanchi Rangoli stands strong with its unbeatable cast, subtle needed changes to make it more relatable to the regional audience, and the consistent quality episodes.
ठिपक्यांची रांगोळी,
एक लोभस अशी कल्पना मन वेधून घेणारी!
कुटुंब असे की अगदी स्वप्नातले जसे,
कायमचे उमटत गेले ज्यांचे मनावर ठसे!
घराला घरपण येते नात्यांच्या प्रेमळ स्पर्शाने,
प्रत्येक संकटातून मार्ग निघतो बस त्यांच्या असण्याने!
ज्याबद्दल लिहिताना नेहमी कमी पडतील शब्द आणि ओळी,
अशी एक सुंदर कल्पना आहे ठिपक्यांची रांगोळी!
Gungun and Babin,
Ended up committing a beautiful sin.
Weaving a gorgeously heartwarming tale together,
They went on to remind everyone that to love is to surrender.
Surrendering to your partner’s perfection and flaws,
Consciously choosing to be anything but their pain’s cause.
Differences of opinions occurred,
Schemes planned with malicious intent happened.
But neither of them could walk irreversibly far,
For it was the fate that had written them in each other’s stars.
Khorkuto – an unforgettable emotion for many,
Generously gifted us Thipkyanchi Rangoli.
Shashank and Apurva,
Brought with them, their own charisma.
Carefully treasuring Khorkuto’s essence,
With subtle additions, Thipkyanchi Rangoli created its own space.
Its own space in the universe of fiction,
Never once deviating from Khorkuto’s vision.
I thank Khorkuto for existing,
For without it, we wouldn’t have gotten Thipkyanchi Rangoli – a show so enchanting!
I cannot admire Thipkyanchi Rangoli without acknowledging Khorkuto for if Khorkuto didn’t exist, so wouldn’t Thipkyanchi Rangoli! Even though I cannot watch Khorkuto due to the language barrier, I have immense acknowledgement, appreciation and admiration for it, considering everything that I’ve watched in Thipkyanchi Rangoli so far!
Cheers to this beautiful show named Khorkuto and this heartwarming remake named Thipkyanchi Rangoli!