Would It Be A Sin? – Thipkyanchi Rangoli

“खडूस… खरं सांगायचं झालं ना… तू मला भेटल्यानंतर जेव्हा परत जातोस ना तेव्हा माझा mood off च होतो! म्हणजे असं एकटीने घरी जायला मनच करत नाही!”

One of the best gifts she had received in her marriage was the family that she would proudly call hers. The family that mirrored the magnificent rainbow that filled every color that was missing from her life before she stumbled upon them and eventually became theirs.

The only difference stayed that her very own rainbow – her Kanitkars – had more than just seven colors to paint her life precisely how she had desired.

The color of patience.
The color of understanding.
The color of affection.
The color of wisdom.
The color of concern.
The color of attention.
The color of… life.

While she would struggle to pick one favorite, her heart could never deny that the color of unexplainable feelings that Khadoos brought into her life was unparalleled.


He evoked the kind of feelings within her that she didn’t even know she was capable of feeling.

Out of all the boyfriends that she has had, Khadoos stayed the only boyfriend whose hand she hated leaving every night when they would head back to their respective homes.

She didn’t remember losing herself in the strange longing for any of her boyfriends before but with her current boyfriend – the not-so-Khadoos Kanitkar – the intensity of missing him would increase by multiple folds even after spending the whole day with him.

What he has done to her, she has no clue,
But she has begun to despise the separation she is putting them through.

Though she hated when he was insensitive and mean,
This new side of him stays something that she had never seen.

She no longer cares if she would lose or win,
Would seeking some moments of calm in his arms be a sin?


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Shubha Gokhale
2 years ago

How beautiful…..

Ashwini Thatte
Ashwini Thatte
2 years ago

Haaye.. reading this again and again!! It’s just beautiful 😍

Manisha Pujar
2 years ago


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