He Had Already Slipped

“Tuza majhya var prem nahi na, Sweetu! Mag mala laaglela baghun evdha traas ka hotoy?”


From yelling at him for not being careful when he got hit by the car to shedding tears upon watching him in pain – Om could see neither her anger nor her vulnerability. All that he could see was her concern for him. The amount of concern that he didn’t hold for himself but she did. 

He was amused at how she had taken the charge of his life and become his storyteller, telling the tale of his pain through her own watering eyes.

While he was indifferent to his pain, she was suffocating inside. In absolute silence, her heart wept. 

Nobody else could hear the voice of her crying heart except for him. The woman could barely hide anything from his eyes. He could see it all and yet she continued to be adamant that she didn’t have any feelings for him.


“Of course, tujhi kahi kaarana aahe, mala nakaar denya sathi. Pan tyane tujha majhya var prem nahi asa hot nahi na!”

“Of course, you have your own reasons for saying no to me but that doesn’t mean that you don’t love me, does that?”


Was he going to continue making things harder than they already were for her? She could neither accept her love for him nor watch his tormenting suffering.

Swallowing the emotions of her bleeding heart, she confessed that the only regret that she had was having hurt her closest friend. 

She had lied. Blatantly. That wasn’t the only regret that she had but she didn’t have the liberty to let him know the rest of them.


She knew that she was being stupid but she couldn’t resist wishing that she could hold onto him the way he had held onto her dupatta. Firm enough not to let him slip from her hands but unfortunately, he was that sand that no matter how stubbornly she tried to hold and lock in her fist, he was bound to slip. 

Scratch that. 

He… had already slipped.






“Kahi naati valu saarkhi astaat. Tyanna kiti hi muthit ghatta dharaycha prayatna kela tari ti… nisatat!”



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Ashwini Thatte
Ashwini Thatte
1 year ago

This scene has been one of the most iconic scenes. I had loved every bit of emotion in it. Sweetu’s suffocation… Om’s helplessness! Fighting with her for her.. being adamant with her for her! ❤❤❤

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